
Saturday, September 4, 2010

MBA Tour

The MBA Tour is coming to India, woohoo. I'll be attending the event at Bangalore, on the 19th. I've got barely two weeks to get all set. I have my resume ready, but need to work on my elavator pitch. All i can think of is "Hi, my name is ........ I've got a few questions about XYZ, would you mind answering them...". As for what questions I am going to ask, I haven't got a clue. All I know is that I wont be asking about average GMAT score or app deadlines, or where the school is located. Seriously, I get so pissed off when people start off by saying their GMAT score and asking if that is enough to get admitted. Christ!

The reason I had decided to go down to Bangalore is coz the tour runs the whole day, from 9 AM to 6 PM. However, I was shocked to learn that while registration et al opens at 9 AM, the actual fair i.e.meeting the univeristy reps at the booths will only take place from 3 PM - 5PM - 2 hours!! That's it!!?? I've attended a couple of MBA fairs in India before, and believe me, if the booths are only open for 2 hours, it would be considered a victory if one could wriggle one's self through the crowd and grab a brochure :(

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