Two GMAT products (or should I call them services) that I am very excited about are the Beat The GMAT (BTG) Practice Questions and the Kaplan GMAT Adavanced course.
First up is the BTG Practice Questions, which is due to officially launch on November 02, i.e. next week Tuesday. This weekend i'll go over the 200 or so questions that have been loaded into my reviewer account, and hopefully I'll be able to give y'all my feedback by the launch day. Plus there are some freebies that I will be giving out courtesy Beat The GMAT, so watch out for that.
Next up, and something that has me smacking my lips in anticipation is the Kaplan GMAT Advanced course. There are so many of the 'one-size-meets-all' course offerings out there, but what is in short supply is the course that caters to those who have already done significant prep and are looking for the extra something to shift their prep to top gear. I think this course could be THE ONE.
And before you ask, I haven't forgotten - i will also be posting my review of Grockit & Knewton sometime down the line.
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